31 days of self-love - day 23
October 13, 2017
My support system is fantastic. I have friends who whip me away to Walmart to stock up on chocolate bars and bags of chips after a particularly stressful event, who goes out to eat with me, who pounds on my window early on a Saturday morning demanding I get up so we can hit the highway and see fall leaves and smell the ocean.
I have friends who are texts/phone calls of support that means just as much to me. They support me by listening to me, reaffirming that I am ok and that I can do this. They check in and sometimes I can listen to them and help them as well, doing that really helps me because I feel I am giving back to our friendship not just taking from it.
I have incredible sisters who have strengths in completely different ways. One who gets all riled up with me, who gives me strategies, who gives me words and encourages my actions. The other a solid pillar of strength who is calm and rational. Who makes me think before acting, who calls me out on my decisions when they are based on anger, not logic, and who listens for hours while I talk out my feelings until I can see again.
To make it stronger I just wish I was around my family more. The family I sometimes need to cower behind and let them take the lead. When my sister did something for me this summer I couldn't do, it took an enormous weight off my shoulders and I felt like for once I could pass the buck and take a breather.
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