31 days of self love - day 1

September 12, 2017

I'm struggling lately with loving myself.  I'm hard on myself and I have let the voices of doubt and the voices of a vicious man override my own thoughts too much.  We're all about self-care these days, taking walks, eating well, warm baths, time out with friends, but are we really advocating self-love?  We are healthiest and strongest when we love ourselves when we feel we are loveable, when we feel worthy and when we feel like we have value.  But it takes a lot of energy to feel that, and very little effort to tear it all away.  So on Pinterest the other day I found this pin and thought "wow, I need this."  Then I discovered it's a whole website and was quite intrigued.  So over the course of the next 31 days, I plan to answer these thought provoking questions and learn better how to love myself and hopefully come back to read this on the days I doubt myself.

Today's question: My biggest struggle with loving myself is that I find myself concentrating more on the things I do wrong, my mistakes and my flaws, rather than the things I do right.  I beat myself up over mistakes or decisions I make and then convince myself that no one else would have done that or that people are better at things than me.  

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