31 days of self love - Day 3 (and a little about my day)

September 14, 2017

Funny enough I was thinking about this the other day and the habit I want to start is making my bed in the morning.  In theory, it's supposed to start you off on a good foot, one task completed and give you the momentum to keep completing tasks.  Also, at the end of a busy day, it's a real joy to pull back the duvet and climb into a warm comfy bed.  So that's what I'll do.  In the summer months, it's just a sheet and a light quilt anyway so 1 minute tops to the start of a new good habit.

and sort of related, because I really want to climb into a warm bed and go to sleep right now, today was one of those days that starts a nightmare you never expect to happen.  Luckily everything is fine, all is safe, the reality was far less horrendous than the truth, but all the same, it makes nightmares real.  Today I found out, while at work, that my son in grade 4 just had his school locked down and the local police along with the tactical team was there because of a perceived real threat.  Some anonymous tip of a person threatening specific schools in the area and rumors of a gun, or that's the gist of it from scattered news sources.  At first, it was like "Nah, they are doing a drill I bet, no issues." but then I started getting information from really credible sources, then I get a phone call from the school.  There is no greater feeling of pure and utter dread and helplessness than driving towards your child's school and knowing at that moment you won't be allowed in to get them.  When finally the threat was cleared the vast majority of the school were picked up for the day, despite the school ensuring that it was safe to remain.  Who can blame parents, you need that tactile connection, you need them back under your wing, you would never forgive yourself if you had that opportunity and you didn't take it.  Walking in I saw children crying, being escorted out by parents.  For many kids uniformed officers are not a normal sight, many have never seen a gun before, to have these people descend and be in full work mode not smiles and nods to the little kids is a whole other atmosphere.  I've been around police who have been in threat mode, they are all business and no public relations, which is great I don't need a smile I need you to use your training to see anything unusual and stop it immediately.  This was no Columbine, no Sandy Hook, and I have said silent prayers a thousand times today thanking God that it wasn't.  I'll never forget that feeling though, I've never experienced that amount of fear for my children ever.  And I thank my poor friend Johanna who had to endure a very panicked, very out of the blue call from me while I tried to maintain composure enough to drive to the school, having her at phones length made that drive bearable at least.

Let's all remember to thank those wonderful teachers and staff who truly do put your children first in times of crisis, and of course, those police who again run towards a threat while we all run away.    

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  1. What a horrible ordeal for everyone. Thank the Lord it was all ok in the end, but still, completely terrifying. Love to you guys.


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