31 days of self love - day 7

September 18, 2017

ok, well personality I think I love that I find life funny and can usually find something to laugh at.  I love to laugh, I am drawn to the people that make me laugh, nothing recharges me and makes me feel so entirely content as a good laugh that brings tears to my eyes.  Having a sense of humor and not being afraid to use it is definitely a good personality trait.

Body, that's so different.  Right now I don't love my body.  It feels broken and is letting me down as my running has once again been derailed by my body.  So what do I love about it?  I'm seriously here thinking hard.  I like my abnormally long arms but not enough to say that's my body part I love, I like my broad shoulders, I heard nice things about my neck, I've been complimented on my cheek bones, I don't know this is really hard.  Doesn't that say a lot.  I had no trouble with my personality but my physical appearance is so difficult to accept.  Wow I don't know.  Well I guess this is the point of this challenge of the next 31 days.  I've discovered that I can't say I like anything about my body and that's not good enough when I am modeling how to love a body to my own children, one of which told me today that kids are calling him chubby and he can't run because he's too fat to keep up.  Time to make some mindful changes.  At the end of this challenge I WILL have a body part I love.

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