31 days of self love - day 12

September 24, 2017

Well, the obvious of course is my kids, they really challenge me, impress me, and genuinely make me happy every day.  But there are things I'm learning to really take notice of.  Nature, in general, makes me happy to be alive.  Mountains, forests, the ocean, it's beautiful and taking in gorgeous scenery just makes me happy to be on this planet.  Sunsets, beautiful clouds, a vibrant blue sky, storm clouds rolling in, the world is just amazingly beautiful in its own natural state.  I get humbled by nature and I remember that I am a lucky person to have lived in different areas of this country.  I lived at the base of snow-capped mountains, I saw northern lights, I get snowstorms and I've seen gorgeous fall leaves so vibrant they almost look fake.  I live near the ocean where icebergs and whales arrive on my back door, and I've witnessed all sorts of wild animals int heir natural habitat.  It all makes me happy to be alive.

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