31 days of self-love - Day 2

September 13, 2017

Hmmm, I'm surprised this is such a hard question today but it is.  What do I feel limited by?  I guess what stands out for me is that I don't believe that anyone believes me.  I know that sounds odd but it's something I do struggle with.  For years I was told that my opinion didn't count and that my word vs his would never stand the test of time.  To this day I have trouble believing that people will believe me even when I sit with proof in my hand.  It does limit me because it has stopped me from attempting to do things I want to do and things I have to do.  It's caused me anxiety and endless amounts of rumination.  So I need to get rid of that belief.  I need to remind myself that no, not all the time will people believe me completely but when it comes down to the truth when it really matters, then I will be rewarded with people who do believe me because I am smart and I am level headed and I am telling the truth.

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  1. I believe you. The thing is, is that we knew you when you were with him and we saw what he put you through. We witnessed it. So I can say, I believe you because I witnessed the way he treated you. We always believed you then and continue to believe you now.


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